i'm hungry! lol no la kaikai i'm just joking! you've made stuff more hilarious anyway! :D
i swear today's the funniest day ever [hello kaiying HAHAHA]
lets save the best for the last, we'll look at how the day started, shall we? (:
{you can ignore this}
i woke up with a splitting headache, [again]
cause i slept at 2am yesterday again! -.-|||
cause i fell asleep at 12 again cause i was too tired zzz.
seriously i'll have to get more rest or something, or else the overdosage of panadol will kill me D:
okay so rawrrawr, i forgot what i did in the morning, since there weren' any tests, nobody was stressed! haha! x]
{okay start reading again}
germaine's doublelayered chocolates are nice :O
morning assembly blahblah, oh guess what mspoh said!
1) 3 remedial sessions everyweek, 1.5 hours per session
2) you'll have to come back during the sep hols for three days
like OMG hello. that's the FIRST test in my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE that i haven't studied for at all. i'm serious. its the first time i've not even read through anything.
yah. confirmed in this stupid remedial thing. remedials are useless, seriously. its just that i was too tired to study this time. screw la that means i'll have to spend 4.5 hours a week on bio. oh, plus september holidays. yay i'm dead. -mutters under my breath-
nevermind we should [b]always look on, the bring, side of life[/b], dudu, dudududududu. (think of advertisements!)
hcl and amaths, nothing much yah. but we should try concentrating more on lessons yes! :D
okay recess with annia sy ml as usual, i ate chinese kitchen! went up to chem lab with yuenlam, and found alot of laggy laptops [windows98] on the benches! right so there were very little people there since we were on time, so crapped abit to jeanette haha! jeanette; SHAWN IS LIKE SUPER CUTE LA!
anyway we did DATALOGGING today, and different roles were allocated!
1 and 4 set up the programme,
2 to wash the equipments,
3 to do the titration!
okay so i'm 2 -.- NOT SAIKANG OKAY! you know your life would be terrible without cleaners hahahaha! x]] germaineeee's the titration VIP person hahaha nevermind she pressed till her fingers has marks. maybe doing cleaning's not that bad la, haha.
but nonetheless, chem was quite fun. not saikang okayyyy! and germaine was playing with jeanette's hair, terie was thr crapping too lalalala! until we didn't have time to do the aqueous ammonia one, OOPS! haha nevermind samuel thanks for letting us copy yours HAHAHA. cleaners are useful, vip 3! xD and 4 isnot nice cause the laptop only accepted the file name as "4" [jeanette] ahhhh T.T
yup so after chem lab on the way back we were all being retarded
especially felicia omg la HAHA. she was trying to act cute and be a twit. in vain of course xDDD
so anyway she started this "twitting" streak in us. yes, all of us find the language particularly funny yay, so terie sheena felicia and i were like
"oohhmiigosshxx larrhx, ii sh0o depressedxx lliia0x, ii wann tuu cutt miieselffx lerhhx! T.T"
"darrdarr, ii lurrb euux w0orhxx, dunchh leabbe [leave o.O] miie worrhx, weee wiill beex tuuqethherx 1314 worhhx!"
omg why must they replace "g" with "q" -.-|||
so yup had fun walking up the slope trying to imitate these stupid and retarded and dumb and useless and timewasting language.
oh i forgot, we still have to add our
-zhuzhu darrlinqq [why pigs o.O]
-k0r, dii, meii, jiie, gannmeii, ganjiie, gannk0rr, ganndii [woah, ghadi arh]
-la0g0nqq, la0p0xx
-nuerrx, errziix, sunnuerr, sunnerzii
all these anti twit things THANKS to OVERDOSAGE of anti-twit sites, HAHAHA.
okay i shall stop here or they'll come here and clubber me;
i've still got loads more to say! D:
geography was like funny hahahaha! mdm sim was being crappy as usual, and there were many students trying to be crappy today! xD and i remember classic phrase! if there were earthquakes, the volcano will be split into two. HAHAHAHA FELICIA.
history trip! anybody wants to go! T.T and oh hotpink hairclips are like o.O thanks kaikai anyway! :D
recess with wanzhen and haonan LOL. anyway wanzhen, you did well today la! see there was nothing to worry about! ;D
we watched the class video during english and went down early.
and HOHO the 2D'06 girls in 3L took pictures before the showandtell! ^^
sheena, emma, yuenlam, terie, felicia! :D
woohooo its the 2d'06 LOVE! ~~
and our shirts?
2(Na)!, eemma xD, fishy, terieble, felicia-sama!
CHOU x8! woohoo chou jielun haonangege jiayou HAHAHA!
and okay show and tell was HILARIOUS
the effects for the superheroe videos were like seriously VERY FUNNY.
okay chongrui and his TISSUE turban head is cute hahahaha! xD
and yingzhi and her tiara and piggiewand!
like okay vanessa and wanzhen were good, and seriously aladdin was amusing yes!
"ohhh my butt is so itchy" -some stuff inbetween- and aladdin gets his wishes granted!
1)thesuperheroes! hohoho, yipeng as storm, kenneth as the robot HAHAHA, sheenaleongyingbaochuan as PPG, dno who as the L and light i THINK. and there was yuncheng flauting his skirt around! the audiences were like laughing yay
2) the guy's not-so-erotic dance haha! okay it wasnt' bad ya! got the audiences' attention.
3) chou jielun LOL. okay this one abit lengchang cause nobody sang .__. but nevermind the other two plus the slideshow was good, so i'll still say showandtell was kinda successful!
yup thanks to the class and esp those who organised it la; feliciajeremiah!
yup an enlightening experience i'll never forget, and it made me and alot of ppl super high!
and btw my class tee is too big. according to terie, i'm like drowning in it LOL.
k anw it was lunch with KAIYING AND ASHLEY at eastpoint after school! :D
omg it was super freaking hilarious.
me: 'let me tell you an interesting story. sb put my hp no. on irc and alot of random ppl sms-ed and called me -.-"
kaiying: "icq or irc? anyway those things are like, so over already la!"
right..so maybe i was being too nice to even answer the call and nicely tell them i was being sabo-ed so i don't want to make a bunch of stupid despo friends thanks.
kfc is like the love HAHA.
firstly, the burrito is like SPICY, i threw it down and didn't want to eat it.
so i decided to talk like a socialite
*waves my [fake] 24 carat diamond ring around in those elegant poses*
dangles around, talks about my 100000000 dollars gucci and lv bag, my mink coat and BLAH>
omg sounds boring here -.-
but anyway me and kaiying decided to talk AMERICAN BIMBO ACCENT!
me: "like HELLO, oh,shutUP please? your fashion sense is like, TOTALLY uncool *rolls eyes*"
kaiying: "like WHATEVER please, *describes clothing* your tshirt is like, SO YESTERDAY."
me: "tshirts are like the new cool you MORON. like PUH-LEASE, you seriously don't KNOW the trend you bitch [yes, american bimbos like the word bitch and use it excessively]"
kaiying: "like OHMYGOSH, you idiotic sucker, anyway, WHATEVER. and my boyfriend is like SO TOTALLY hot. and yes, did i say that bitch mandy stole my BOYFRIEND?"
me: "like ohmygosh, SERIOUSLY? but whatever, my boyfriend is like AHH *fans myself* the hottest guy in the whole world *squeals*. he bought THIS for me you know *flutters eyes and shows off prada bag*"
kaiying: "oh, SHUT UP, mine's like TOTALLY hot and cool CUTE. he gave me this seriously GORGEOUS ring"
me: "oh PUH-LEASE, rings are SO YESTERDAY. my boyfriend DICK is much better like, DUH *rolls eyes*"
kaiying: "OHMYGAWSH? your boyfriend is DICK? mine's called HEAD! our boyfriends are DICKHEADS?"
me: "mygod, ashley can you like please be more SOCIABLE [she was playing with my phone xD] like HELLO, is your boyfriend HARRY?"
ashley: "ignores..."
kaiying and me :" ohmyGAWSH. our boyfriends are harry dickhead! D:"
k then i decided to act sophisticated
me: "like, my husband bought me this expensive PRADA bag today *shows it off*"
kaiying: "ohmygawsh, my husband got me a GUCCI yesterday!"
me: "*cries into handkerchief with HIGH PITCHED SOBS, dabbing at the corner of my eyes*"
{conversation broken, kaiying BURSTS OUT LAUGHING. was i that stupid/hilarious/funny HAHA.}
ashley, emma: "o.O"
kaiying: "OHMYGAWSH MY LIFE IS LIKE IN TOTAL DANGER" [she laughed till tears came out]
LALALA, then the edge of my tray was pressed downwards, and the contents FLEW OUT, like how the seesaw works :D
me: "oh sob *in socialite manner*" and covering me face in the meantime with TISSUE cause everybody in KFC was staring
ashley: "hhahahaha you better stop it, or kaiying will die"
kaiying: "HAHAHAHAHA OMGGGGGGG. *laughs and laughs and helps me wipe the CHEESE off my arms and body -.-|||"
i swear, we are THREE crazy idiots D:
then ashley had to go home. OMG the humiliation! xD
ky and i went to popular to get her file, and we continued those conversations.
okay i told you it was hilarious xDD
k i've got to do my stuff bye!
some memorable pics;
my kiwi lemon soda drink; pizza hut with ashley kaiying last week
large necklace kaiying and i saw at isetan while shopping last week
east coast park, our 2.4 venue. after ashleykaiying and i were resting on the curb.

SHAWN OMG. thanks kaiying for your pictures and videos. you are like SO TOTALLY LOVE. xDDD
ngik hiong: jia you emma!! dun give up. i'm sure u will be able to manage ur time well. and good luck for the tests

{thanks ngik! today's a nice day yeah and okay goodluck for your test tmr! and pds too!}
ALICIA: hahahahaa! missed you emma! LOADS OF LOVE AND HUGS GIRL!
{hahahaha missed you alicia! loads of love and hugs and kisses dear!}
ELAIN: emma!

{elain! xDD}
k bye!
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